Friday, October 1, 2010


I had a really tough day today. Well, class wasn't terrible, but I've been drained since I woke up and it was tough for me to even get out of bed. Then I studied some, went to class, came home... exciting.

Again, I didn't feel like running. I wanted to just go to bed. With a little push from Kath, I got out of bed and went for a run. We walked a few laps around the apartment complex, before running a few laps. I did take it fairly easy, but at the end, I did push myself a little. When I was running, I was exhausted, but I did run and I did accomplish some of my goals. I didn't quite reach the 5 miles that I wanted to run today, but I got close, which was pretty good for being in a bad mood.

After running, I used the Wii Active again. It wasn't quite as rough as yesterday, though my limbs are still a little achy from yesterday's work out. It was a little bit tough, just because I was sore, but I had more confidence and was able to push through a little bit better than I did before. I'm impressed with myself.

Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day. I have 11 hours of work ahead of me, which means that going for a run will probably not be on the radar. However, I'm going to try to get some time in on the Wii. I wish I had gym equiptment in my apartment, because the hours at the gym at my apartment complex are really inconvienent, particularly on the weekends. Oh well, though, that's something that I can work on figuring out in due time.

Anyways, today was slightly more positive, though my day was a rough one. I'm looking forward to more positivity in the future.

So far: 558.79 miles
To go: 441.21


  1. That's my main complaint about this apartment. Might as well not even have a gym. I'm proud of you. Yeah that wii active is hard but I think it gets better once you get used to the exercises better so it doesn't keep saying you're doing it wrong.
