Yesterday was a crazy day, so I didn't do my normal Tuesday blog. I know, I know, sad right?! That's okay, though. I'll give everyone (all of my three faithful readers!) a quick update on my existence since long run day.
Yesterday was a 4 miler. I ran about two miles of it and walked and chatted with my grandma on the phone for the other two miles. That's kind of like cheating, I guess. I just wasn't really feeling like being out there yesterday, so I'm glad that I went and did semi-okay. I killed it on the little over two miles that I did run, so that makes me feel a little bit better about it. It ended up being 4.25 miles at the end, so that was okay. I'm glad that I went.
(After I ran/walked, I had an appointment at school, then went to Seth and Andrea's birthday get together. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it felt like a busy day for a day off to me!)
Today was much less busy. I got up and didn't do a whole lot for the majority of the day. I went for a run after Katherine got off of work. We did seven miles today and it was ROUGH. I'm not really sure why it's been about two weeks since I have had a really good run, but it has gotten really frustrating. Maybe it's other things going on that is dampening my running. Even when I feel like I've had a decent pace and done well, I still have been frustrated with something about the run. I guess that's something that I really need to think about.
Anyways, the run today was really tough. We had to stop a few times to stretch out and it seemed like Katherine was struggling too. I felt like I could have cut a lot of time off and done a better job, but I didn't do it. I'm not sure what I need to change in order to have another really good training run. We ended up at a 14:50-ish pace, which, quite frankly, is really good for the both of us together. I do tend to walk and talk more when I'm with Katherine rather than run at a decent pace. I still feel like I could do a lot better. I'm just in a funk.
I do know that I need to start adding in some cross training and some serious weight training. I'm thinking about hitting the gym once or twice next week on my days off. I miss weight training and I'm tired of complaining about it and not making any changes. haha.
BUT in exciting news, I've finally hit 400 for the year! I do feel like my goal is reachable this year. Yay for me!
Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 406.73 miles/207 days
To go: 593.27 miles/159 days
Lets face it. We were fighting part of the time which held you up I'm sure. Also it was just really hot so it makes the run harder. I think that's partly why I was struggling. And my heel had started to hurt. I AM glad we got the miles in and that you are over the 400 mile mark. That is very exciting. I know it is tough with all the miles you need to run in the week to get cross training in as well. I guess if anything lifting weights for 20 min every few days would be a good start and maybe biking or something on one of your days off from running could be good.