Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New shoes, July recap, and week 7 of training (already?!)

This is going to be an exciting post! Lots to talk about, including a July recap!

Katherine and I went to Track Shack today to do some shoe shopping. My old shoes were just not working out for me anymore. As much as I love(d) them, my feet have started to ache after I run for the past few weeks, so I knew that it was time for new shoes. I also wanted to get them broken in before I start all of the (lots of!) races that I'll be doing in the next few months.

I decided to stick with the Nike Lunarglide. Since I'm in the middle of training for Chicago and I have so many big races coming up, I don't want to confuse my feet. I'd like to try different shoes, because I'm still fairly new to running and I'd like to really get a feel for different types of running shoes in order to find out what I really like and don't like. I think that this was a good decision for right now though.

Katherine decided to get new shoes too, because her feet have been bothering her. (and who doesn't love new running shoes? Let's be honest here!) I do like the bright green-ness of the Lunarglides though. They're really fun.  

After we left with our new shoes, socks, and box of energy gels, we headed to go on a run! Today called for an "easy" four miles. It was more like a "my legs hurt like hell from my long run on Sunday, but I'm going to tough it out and do the best that I can" four mile run. We went downtown to run around Lake Eola, which we have never done before. We've been talking about running there for... a long time. By "a long time", I  mean almost for the entire two years since we moved here. So exciting!  

(i kind of love that katherine's eyes are closed. haha.)

As much as it was really tough and my legs were still a little sore and achy, I had a fun time out there today. We did four laps around the lake. It was a gorgeous course and I'm glad that I changed it up. I've been spending way too much time running the same routes lately. How lame is that? It's fun to do something new every so often.

Yay! Okay, now for the most important thing...
July Recap!!!!!

I FINALLY had another 100 mile month! This is my first 100 mile-plus month since January. I feel more like a legitimate runner now.

By 100 mile month, I mean that in July, I ran......

145.66 miles...!!! Whaaaat?! Is this real life?

In August, I really want to add in weight training. I did a little yesterday, but it's time to do more and get strength added into my routine. I'm so excited about all of the work that I've put into this. I also plan to really get my nutrition on point. Eating is one of the most important parts of the journey... but it's something that I struggle with a LOT.

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 435.58 miles/213 days
To go: 564.42 miles/153 days

Monday, July 30, 2012

Long Run Day and Retiring My Shoes (ending week six)

Today was long run day! My favorite day of the week (or not so much). The plan was to get up early so that I wouldn't have to run alone, but I ended up at work three hours late last night and didn't get home until after two in the morning. I knew I wouldn't be able to get up early for a run. Disappointing. So I had to run when it was already pretty hot out. ..On top of that, I ended up running alone.

I felt really awesome for the first mile. When I knew I was at the first mile marker, I was actually surprised with how little struggle I was going through. I felt like I could definitely finish out the last thirteen miles. haha. I actually didn't really struggle too much until I got about halfway through. I still had a really awesome pace until the tenth mile. After that, I really started to slow down. I actually almost slowed down one minute per mile. It was a little bit frustrating, but that's whatever.

At about mile ten, I started to feel like I was hitting the wall. I had run completely out of energy gels at that point and was just ready to give up. Actually, I REALLY wanted to give up. That only lasted for a mile or so and I was back on track. I felt really good ending the run, too.

I've never actually run 14 miles outside of a race before. Crazy.
It was good though.

In other news, today was the official last day of running with my current shoes. I'm getting some new ones on Tuesday before my four miler. I'm excited, but sad. These shoes have given me lots and lots of miles and many races in the past few months. It is also beyond time to get new shoes. My feet are a little achy.

So the shoes are going into retirement. I wish I knew what to do with old running shoes. I could donate them, but I feel kind of attached to them after all of this time. It's tough to let go. Haha. I sound ridiculous.

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 431.41 miles/211 days
To go: 568.59 miles/155 days

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Training Week Six Day Four!

Today was a four miler. I took Katherine with me and we ended up doing almost four and a half miles.

I was feeling extremely tired the entire time, but I'm really glad that I got it done. It was hot and my body was just annoyed that I kept going when I just wanted to be lazy. I definitely haven't gotten that obese girl out of me yet. I still have MANY days when I feel like I'm still the girl who just wants to sit around all of the time. The difference is that I am able to push past it now and keep going. There's a sense of courage or something in me that can go further than I expect some days.

Tomorrow is a LONG run day and I'm a little nervous. Fourteen miles...

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 417.38 miles/210 days
To go: 582.62 miles/156 days

Friday, July 27, 2012

major mental breakthrough.

I don't really have time to write much today. I have to work tonight, but I'm a little excited about my run today.

It wasn't fast. It wasn't impressive. It wasn't anything even noteworthy, but I ran. I intended to run 4 miles today, as I wasn't feeling the six that I was supposed to do and planned to switch today's run and tomorrow's run. (Yeah yeah, I know. I feel like, as long as I still get the miles that I'm supposed to...) Anyways, at three miles, I was still feeling fantastic and I knew that I could do all six. So I did.

It's the small things that make me feel like I'm pushing it and that I'm doing really well in my running. My body can do more than I thought that it could a few years ago. This is a huge deal for me. I feel like I  might actually do as well as I want to do in Chicago.

I feel like today has been a major breakthrough and it is something that I will continue to look back on and think that I can push past the boundaries that I have set for myself. I may not be an extraordinary person, but I can do small things to get myself to be someone I want to be.

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 412.91 miles/209 days
To go: 587.09 miles/157 days

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I hit 400 miles for the year! (finally) & starting Chicago Marathon training week 6

Yesterday was a crazy day, so I didn't do my normal Tuesday blog. I know, I know, sad right?! That's okay, though. I'll give everyone (all of my three faithful readers!) a quick update on my existence since long run day.

Yesterday was a 4 miler. I ran about two miles of it and walked and chatted with  my grandma on the phone for the other two miles. That's kind of like cheating, I guess. I just wasn't really feeling like being out there yesterday, so I'm glad that I went and did semi-okay. I killed it on the little over two miles that I did run, so that makes me feel a little bit better about it. It ended up being 4.25 miles at the end, so that was okay. I'm glad that I went.

(After I ran/walked, I had an appointment at school, then went to Seth and Andrea's birthday get together. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it felt like a busy day for a day off to me!)

Today was much less busy. I got up and didn't do a whole lot for the majority of the day. I went for a run after Katherine got off of work. We did seven miles today and it was ROUGH. I'm not really sure why it's been about two weeks since I have had a really good run, but it has gotten really frustrating. Maybe it's other things going on that is dampening my running. Even when I feel like I've had a decent pace and done well, I still have been frustrated with something about the run. I guess that's something that I really need to think about.

Anyways, the run today was really tough. We had to stop a few times to stretch out and it seemed like Katherine was struggling too. I felt like I could have cut a lot of time off and done a better job, but I didn't do it. I'm not sure what I need to change in order to have another really good training run. We ended up at a 14:50-ish pace, which, quite frankly, is really good for the both of us together. I do tend to walk and talk more when I'm with Katherine rather than run at a decent pace. I still feel like I could do a lot better. I'm just in a funk.

I do know that I need to start adding in some cross training and some serious weight training. I'm thinking about hitting the gym once or twice next week on my days off. I miss weight training and I'm tired of complaining about it and not making any changes. haha.

BUT in exciting news, I've finally hit 400 for the year! I do feel like my goal is reachable this year. Yay for me!

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 406.73 miles/207 days
To go: 593.27 miles/159 days

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Long Run Day! 13 miles + ending week 5!

Long run day is here again!
I worked a long shift yesterday (11ish hours) and then came home and crashed, knowing that I had 13(!!) miles to run today. I woke up early with an awful Charley Horse in my right leg, and stretched it out, hoping that I'd be able to run all of my mileage. I slept off and on after that for a few more hours and then finally got up to get the run done.

Let's preface this by announcing that today was the very first time that I ran 13 miles outside of a race. I've never done that kind of mileage before. Today was a breakthrough, in a sense, because I didn't know that I really could do it. There are still many MANY times when I question whether I really am a runner. I still feel like the obese girl who drank a case of 24 Mountain Dew cans in less than a week (more like a few days...). I worked at two different ice cream shops in college and ate fast food like nobody's business. That is who I still feel like I am most days. It's really not who I am now though. Yes, I still drink Mountain Dew (...freaking addictions). I still have fast food too often. My diet is a hot mess.

Anyways, back to the run.
I had two frozen waffles, an energy gel, and shared a banana with Katherine. Then we headed out the door. The plan was that we'd head out and go around the same route we did last week, then go back home to get more water before finishing the run. It actually worked really well for us. We ran really well for how hot it was in the beginning, then we ended up running in a thunderstorm toward the end.

The last four miles were intense though! I wasn't terribly exhausted, but we definitely got rained on like crazy. Thankfully, when we were home filling our water bottles, I changed into a long sleeve tech shirt, because I could tell that it was going to storm. It definitely did rain. Sideways. Like crazy. We got drenched. It was fun though. I really like that I've been able to do all of my long runs with Kath. It's nice that it doesn't have to be lonely during those long runs.

I've been thinking more and more about getting back into personal training after school starts again. It's an expense that can add up, but I feel like I need to get back into it. I miss it a LOT. My body definitely needs it a lot.

It's so crazy that I've finished week five of training for this race. I legitimately feel like I'm going to be in Chicago like... tomorrow. That terrifies me. 

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 395.36 miles/204 days
To go: 604.64 miles/162 days

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Training Day 24! (light day)

Today, my leg was feeling so much better! Exciting, right?
...so I went running. haha.

Today was six miles. I did walk a lot more than I wanted to, BUT, I did it understanding that I needed to take it semi-easy on myself because of my hip pain yesterday.

I stretched last night before bed, this morning when I got up, and then before I went for my run. I really feel like that helped out a lot. I've also been taking ibuprofen in order to reduce any possible inflammation. (thanks to Katherine, whose dad is a pharmacist)

I ended up with a 14:40-something pace, which isn't awful. Granted, it isn't my best time and it isn't any sort of race goal pace, but it isn't an absolutely terrible pace, either. It was also really hot out. I'd say that I did okay, considering. My major fear was that I was going to be out of commission for a while, but that didn't really happen.

Tomorrow, I'm taking a rest day. Yay for me. I have a short 6 hour shift at work & then going to see Seth's Encore! performance. It's going to be fun times for sure.

(in other news, this morning I registered for the Wine & Dine half marathon in November. This year, I will have participated in all but TWO of Disney's races.. well race weekends. How intense am I?!)

I'm also thinking about my nutrition more now. I feel like I need to fuel my body properly and stop eating like a complete moron all of the time. It's something I'm going to start to research. I still have some pounds to lose, but that isn't the goal. I want my body to respond the way that it needs to respond to running. I've seen a lot of improvement in myself in the past year and I know that I want to continue along that path.

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 382.24 miles/201 days
To go: 617.76 miles/165 days

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Chicago Training Days 22 and 23

It's time for an update! Yay!

Yesterday, the rain was horrible and I knew I wasn't going to get my 7 miles in that I had planned. So I pulled a short run from later in the week and decided to switch it up a little. (is that even allowed when you're supposed to be following a plan??!)

So anyways, I did three miles yesterday that were intended for later in the week. I got rained on the whole time and took advantage of it by wearing long sleeves. (Okay, so the sleeves probably weren't neccessary, but how can you go wrong with a Goofy Challenge shirt. haha. I did get a little bit warm.) I ended up with about a 14 minute pace, which wasn't my best, but at the same time, isn't awful. I felt pretty good the entire time. It has been nice to have some rainy weather, so that I can keep going and it isn't quite as hot.

Today was the 7 miler. I don't know why I was dreading it, but I was. I put it off almost all day. I was going to go in the morning. Before I knew it, it was 11 and I figured it was too hot. Then I was going to go at 2:30-3ish so that I'd be back by the time Katherine got home from work and we could have some fun adventures. Then, before I knew it, it was 4:15 and almost time for her to head home from work. In that case, I figured that I would stick close to home and then see if she wanted to come with me later. My pace was horrendous for the first two miles that I did alone. There's something extremely lame about running around an apartment complex for multiple laps. Maybe I need a larger apartment complex. haha.

When Katherine got home, she changed out of her work clothes and we headed out to the running trail.

I realize that when I say running trail, it sort of sounds like I do a lot of trail running. The trail that I use isn't really a trail. It's an asphalt path. Just to clear that up. haha.

I felt fantastic until I was a little past mile 3 and a half. My left hip/upper leg started cramping up like crazy. I stopped to stretch several times. Each time, it felt a lot better, but then got worse again. I didn't really have a choice but to finish out the run, because of the out-and-back nature of the route that I use. I did a LOT of walking on the way back home. So much that I got really frustrated with myself. Ugh. I'm worried that I'm seriously hurt.

My pace ended up in the 16-minute range. Awful. Almost embarassingly so.

Tomorrow, I might actually have to skip a run for the first time on this training cycle. I'm praying that I'll wake up feeling fabulous and completely able to finish out what I need to do. The likelihood of that is slim, but there's always hope, right? The idea of being behind on my training really freaks me out and I'm not sure why, considering that I've never followed a real training plan before. Hmm...

Here are a few pictures from today's run. They're from my Blackberry, so they aren't as lovely as the ones that I took with my new camera the other day.

 My first stretching moment.

 Katherine saw a bunny in the cloud and decided to be like the bunny. Do you see it?

This picture is AWFUL quality, but there was for sure an alligator swimming along in the river next to the path. I've never seen an alligator outside of the zoo before, so this was crazy. (Wait! There's a 3 legged alligator who lives in the Magic Kingdom.) Can you see him?

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 375.94 miles/200 days
To go: 624.06 miles/166 days

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 21 of Chicago Training

I had to adjust my rest days this week, because there are going to be some days that I'm just unable to run. Thus, Kath and I ran-walked 4 miles (a little more) today. Fun. We took lots of pictures, because I got a new camera from my grandma in the mail today!

So, here are some pictures, because I'm exhausted and don't feel like writing.

I also did NOT realize how long my t-shirt was when I grabbed it. I have definitely lost a lot of weight.

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 365.89 miles/198 days
To go: 634.11 miles/168 days

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Finishing Week 4 of Training!!

I just got home from this week's long run! Woo! It was ten miles, so a little shorter than last week, but went okay. But hey, let's backtrack!

Friday was a 6 miler. It was ROUGH. I feel like my legs were pretty tight and that I really just struggled to get through it. I ended up with a just over 13 minute pace, which I guess isn't awful. I was disappointed, because I did so well on the 6 miler I had done earlier in the week that I thought I could continue on at that pace. Unfortunately that didn't work out on Friday. It was definitely hotter on Friday, too. I did persevere and finish, though. I didn't really want to during some of the run, buuut... I did it. I finished at just over 6 miles at a 13-something pace. Not terrible.. but not incredible either. Oh well.

(Shout out to Kath though. I sat down and called her and asked her to say encouraging things in the middle of my run. She came out and met me to keep me company on the run back home.)

Today, I had 10 miles! First, I worked this morning, which made me more tired than I anticipated. I got home and got changed to run without being too mopey about it. (I'm actually starting to get excited about this running thing, which is SO cool. and unexpected.) Kath went with me! We usually go out and back on a path near our apartment, but this time we decided to keep going when we got to the end of the path. We went around and back on the sidewalks rather than the path, which was fun. Sometimes, it's exhausting going out and then turning back. It was fun to change it up!

We had a great pace (about 14:30 for the first 7 miles) Then we slowed to a walk. My left hip was starting to bother me a little. It almost felt like it was tight and that it needed stretched out. I stopped and stretched a handful of times, but it only would get better for like fifteen minutes and then tighten up again. I'm a little worried about it, but tomorrow is a rest day and then on Tuesday, I'll just see how it feels when it's time to run again. I'll make a decision on Tuesday about whether I should run or not. Fortunately, this week at work should be pretty easy. I don't have stocking shifts and the shifts that I do have are pretty short. I won't be straining my muscles, that's for sure.

I'm really sore right now. It's weird how achy my muscles get after a long run. I'm really not accustomed to it, considering how awful I have been at following through with training for races. This is the first race that I've actually trained properly for. Crazy.

And with that... Week four of training is now complete. Oh SNAP!

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 361.44 miles/197 days
To go: 638.56 miles/169 days

(almost in the 400s! Wooo)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Chicago Training Day 18

I was soo slow today. I'm actually a little bit disappointed in myself. I intended to push it pretty hard, but that didn't really happen. It was hotter than yesterday, although I left at the same time. Today, I was on more of a time crunch, too. (Zoe had an appointment at the vet this evening. Routine check up, but we wanted to get there early so that we could fill out paperwork. Today was our first time trying this vet.)


Anyways, I left at 4, thinking that I could be back, showered, and dressed by 5. By the time I was a half mile in, I knew that it was going to be a tough run today. It was a four miler, but my legs were super tired from yesterday. I walked way more than I wanted to.. and my pace was 15-something. I'm a little disappointed. At the same time, though, I'm glad that I got out there and did it. I ended with exactly 4 miles, which was really surprising. I'm not used to getting exact numbers when I run.. unless I'm on the treadmill. (which I despise..)

I've been really missing personal training a lot. I haven't hit the gym since spring semester ended in May. I feel like my body has gotten flabbier over the past two months and that I really need to make a change. ...the problem is that I'm really not getting many hours at work, so I can't really afford going back to it until I find another job. I'm toying around with the idea of working at a gym. I feel like it would be a major motivator for me, while helping pay the bills. I've NEVER worked the low amount of hours that I've recently been working. It's frustrating. I guess I need a full time job, but it's going to be difficult to manage when the semester starts again. hmm...

Also... I'm really getting frustrated with the amount of laundry that I'm going through. I'm continually running out of shorts, spandex, and sports bras. I feel like I'm constantly rewashing stuff, just to dirty it up again. Sad.

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 345.24 miles/194 days
To go: 654.76 miles/172 days

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Exciting Run!! (Chicago Training Days 16 and 17)

I'm so excited about my run today!!! (I'm also not sure I have ever actually written that in a blog post before.) Bear with me, though, because I have two training runs to write about.

Let's start with yesterday, because, chronologically, Tuesday comes before Wednesday. I do kind of enjoy being chronological from time to time.

Yesterday was a 4 mile "easy" run. I really struggled with it for some reason. I think that my muscles were pretty tight from work. I probably should have stretched before I went out to run. Actually, I generally should stretch more than I do.

Anyhow, yesterday was a really tough four miler. My pace ended up being close to 15 minutes per mile, which was awful, because it was such a short run. I walked almost the same amount as I ran. I'm a little disappointed in myself, but I am glad that I got the mileage in. I know that I took so much time off of running for several months, which is much of why it is so difficult to get myself back to where I was before. (Although where I was before really wasn't so impressive either.)

I guess that it wasn't terrible and I didn't only walk the entire time. I switched it up a little. I'm going to try adding some stretching into my routing.


Today was a 6 miler. I went into it with a little bit of a pessimistic attitutde. I thought that I would probably be too slow and actually spent several hours putting running off this morning. (the threat of thunderstorms did not help push me out the door.) Eventually, after I ran out of excuses (and bad television to watch. ha.), I got dressed for my run and went outside.

My first mile was just over twelve minutes which was decent. I can (and usually do) run my first mile in a little over ten minutes and then continuously slow my pace for the rest of the run. I decided to try to push it a little bit more than usual today. When I checked my average pace again, when I was at about two miles, I was at about a 12:20 pace, so I had cut some time off. That wasn't too bad, so I kept pushing it. At three miles, I had slown down a little and was at a 12:58 pace. That's when I decided that I'd finish in under 13 minutes.

I don't believe that I've ever run a training race longer than 3 miles in under a 13 pace. Even my fastest half marathon is at just OVER a 13 minute pace. I just checked and the only 10k race that I've done was a 12:08 pace. I think that's the only time I've actually run a decent distance at that pace.

Anyways, I finished in a 12:55 pace. I slowed down a lot during the last mile. I tried really hard to continue pushing it, but just had to slow down. I am definitely a little disappointed in that, because, at 5 miles, I was at 12:45.

However, I'm really excited that I finished in the time that I did! I feel like I'm starting to finally improve in ways that I was beginning to give up on.

The only major change that I need to make is that I  need to crosstrain and that I need to start lifting weights more. I haven't lifted in a long time. ...and I miss it. Just a thought...

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 341.24 miles/193 days
To go: 658.76 miles/173 days

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chicago Training: Day 15

Intense day! I'm already almost out of time before I have to leave to go to work. Boo!

Katherine and I got up and went for a 6 miler this morning with one goal: make it home in time to shower and go to church... and we did it! I feel like I finally was able to push myself a little harder today than I have in a while, though my pace still hasn't EVER gotten to my race pace during a training run. I know I can get there. I also know that I took several months of being a lazy "runner" and only running a few times a month. Now, though, I feel like I'm improving a lot and that I can get there.

Anyways, today finished out week three of training! It's really hard to believe that I'm three weeks into this and that Chicago is three months away (exactly!) from yesterday. Life is pretty intense.

I'm looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. I might go for a short ride on the spin bike and do a little bit of lifting. (I do really need to start incorporating weight training.) Otherwise, I'm going to read a little and work on getting a "grown up" job. It's time that I work full time... mostly so that I can afford more races. (and have health insurance when I'm kicked off of my mom's insurance in October. Am I really less than three months from being 26...?!)

Anyways... fun, busy day so far. Now work time. (less fun... but that's okay.)

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 330.94 miles/190 days
To go: 669.06 miles/176 days

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Chicago Training: Days 12, 13, 14

Once again: decent runner, terrible blogger. Oops.

I'm still working on the training thing. haha. It's a little crazy how excited I am about my ridiculous tan lines. I'm pretty sure I haven't had this crazy of a tan since right after my senior year of high school when I played softball and went to the lake all summer. I just need to get to the pool sometime so even out my lines a little bit.

Today, Katherine and I did a long run. 11 miles. I slept later than I wanted to, unfortunately, so I started my run later than I had intended. That may have been a little bit stupid, because it was pretty hot out, but I really just want to get my body accustomed to running in the heat so that I can do it during a race if I need to. I took it pretty slow today. I'd say that I almost was too slow. I'm a little disappointed in my pace, but at least we went out there and finished it. It was a pretty rough run. Extremely.

We ended up walking a lot and our water got really hot, which was awful. But we did persevere and finish. Well, I think that I ended up with about a mile longer than Kath, because she went home before me. It was fun, though. I'm getting really excited about my training. I'm pretty nervous about Chicago, but I think that I will be okay. I just need to start working on my pace. I think that I need a goal finishing time, but I'm not sure what that should be.

and quickly...
Training days 12 & 13 were good! Day 12 was a 6 mile run that ended up a little over 6 and a half. We went in the morning on the 4th, whih was fun! I was glad that Katherine was off so that we could run together. Day 13 was a quick run in the early afternoon. I ran 4 miles before I went to meet a friend for lunch and finish up birthday shopping for Kath. It was a pretty easy run.

I've also been thinking more about how, eventually, I'd like to try a tri. I really need to start saving up for a nice bike. I have my spin bike that I love, but I do also need to be able to train outdoors. The bike that I have now is functional, but not great.

Tomorrow is a 6 miler! Woo hoo!

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 324.93 miles/189 days
To go: 675.07 miles/177 days

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week THREE of Chicago training: Day 11

"Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn-out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself." -John Bingham
 Today I ran 4  miles... it was reaaally hot. I was really slow, which was okay. At this point, with the  heat the way that it is, I'm just glad that I'm getting the distance accomplished and I'm less worried about the speed. I'll definitely get there with my speed, but right now is not the time.

Now I have to work, so this blog post isn't too exciting. haha.

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 303.24 miles/185 days
To go: 696.76 miles/183 days

Monday, July 2, 2012

Finishing out week TWO: Days 9 and 10

I've been doing okay at my running, but terrible at my blogging about it. Oops!

My work schedule has been a little different this week than the past few weeks. I've been working a lot more during the day and not at night, which makes it a little tough. I LOVE running during the day, when it is beautiful outside. Running at night creeps me out a little bit, although it is a little cooler out. It's a give and take, I guess.

Anyways, so instead of running before work, I've been running after work, which has been pretty intense. I'm trying not to overexert myself. At the same time, I don't want to miss any training runs unless I really need to. It just is really difficult to time manage.. and I know that it is going to get worse. School starts again in a month and a half. (right about at the time when training is really going to kick up.)

...I'm getting really overwhelmed.

It has been crazy hot out for a week or so. (ever since the week of rain ended. ...I complain too much.) So I've been running at an extremely slow pace. Extremely. Is snail crawl a pace? ha. I'm kidding. A little. I have SO many races to think about, which I love. I'm just so overwhelmed. Starting Labor Day weekend, I literally have at least one race a month until... January (unless I decide to do the Princess again next year. That's probably ...a 70% chance). That feels intense to me. Add school, plus I REALLY need a full time job. ...it all feels like a lot right now.

I'm a decent time manager. I just have to prioritize my "free" time in order to get important things accomplish. (that is a task that I am working on... and slowly improving.)

I ran 9 miles today. It was really tough at first, but I got into it at about mile 3 or so. Then I did pretty well. I cut a few minutes off of my 9 miler from last week. I think I'm doing okay. I just wish I was doing better. I know that there is definitely room for improvement. Always.

My long run for week three is 11 miles. Kath and I have planned out our route and everything. We're going to run to Panera and back! I'm excited.

(shout out to Megi for being encouraging while I had a brief freak out about everything to do with running. I love having friends that run.)

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 299.1 miles/184 days
To go: 700.9 miles/182 days

(p.s. OMG. 299?! I should've thrown in an extra mile for good measure!)