Wednesday, March 7, 2012

time goes by too quickly.

Goodness! Life can be exhausting. I'm laying here on the futon, watching Dexter, and feeling like I could just go to sleep at any moment. I mean, obviously, I'm not going to fall asleep right now, because I'm writing, but I definitely could. Some spring break! haha. No partying, no drinking, no beach... just exhaustion left over from the past two months of the semester. Oh grad school.

Today, I wanted to run about 10 miles or so, but it didn't really work out. I ended up going to Track Shack, the local running shop, to help a friend buy her first pair of running shoes. I'm excited to have a part in initiating people into the running community. It was super worth the effort, though. So fun. But that cut back on my running time. My grandparents are in town, so I had to get some miles in between my grandparents coming to my apartment and dropping my friend back off after the shopping extravaganza.

I ended up running just over 7 miles... a little disappointing, but I was tired anyways.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to actually fit a long run in, because Friday starts my work week again. (already!) Then spring break will be over already... and back to reality. It's crazy how time flies, sometimes.

I'm super excited to get my tax refund check, though, because that means that I can sign up for a few more races! Woo hoo!

Goal: 1000 miles/366 days
So far: 176.57 miles/67 days
To go: 823.43 miles/299 days


  1. And almost time to sign up for Wine and Dine! Woo hoo indeed!! :D

  2. Oh you.....when you get a little money you sign up for a race and then if you have some left over you pay bills and buy food!!!! j/k 7 miles is good but we both have been missing out on long long's hard to dedicate a full 2 hours or more to just running when there is so much to do. I know you are doing your best thought and you are doing pretty well I'd say.
