What a crazy week and a half.
I had three papers and two exams last week, plus my usual hours of work (and I went home for a day to go to the cemetary for my dad's birthday) and I made it out unscathed.
...but I didn't run. At all. I'm a little disappointed.
I thought I'd run on Saturday, but when my alarm went off at 7:25, I turned it off and promptly woke back up at 9:30. I don't even remember deciding to go back to sleep. Then I worked.
Sunday, I felt really sick and didn't run. Then, I worked.
Today, I was going to run seven or so miles after work, but having three jobs means that someone is inevitably going to call you in at some point. So I worked open at one place, close at another. Then I ran a little over four and a half miles.
Tomorrow is exciting, because, as of right now, I will have it off. That means that I'm going to go on a long long run. Maybe I'll run until I collapse. Wouldn't that be fun? I'm also looking forward to read Runner's World tomorrow. I got my new copy in the mail the other day and have only had a chance to flip through it. I'm thoroughly excited about it, though! Thoroughly.
(and I'm going to be responsible and do other things tomorrow too.)
All of these plans mean that I'll probably be working.
That's why working in ice cream isn't any fun when it starts to get warmer outside.
Anyways, I got to run today and it was lovely. (and I'm not the type of person to say "lovely" often, even if it sounds like it through this blog!)
My run was tough and now I feel disgusting and sweaty, but that's the best part... or something. I really do think that running is an amazing hobby.. if you could call it a hobby.
I'd like to think of myself as sort of a runner.
The Holy Half Marathon is in 34 days, or, really 33 since it's officially tomorrow now. (wow, I'm never up this late. A working girl needs her sleep.) I decided that I'm going to do it. Now to convince Katherine to do it with me and pretend that she hasn't been having foot trouble. Today at work, I asked Chris, a friend of mine, if he would run with me in 34 days, and he laughed. I guess I'm funny. I'd at least like someone to be there to be excited for me, even if I do run by myself, I guess. We'll see.
On that note, it's time for a shower, sleep, and a morning run. haha.
(let's pretend that I'm not as far behind in my goal as it looks.)
Goal: 1000 miles/365 days
So far: 226.64 miles/122 days
To go: 773.36/243 days
Hmmm... You seem a little over-ambitious at this point... But I'm sure you can do it :D
In what way? I will complete it if I average a little over 21 miles a week... and as time goes on, I add more and more miles to my week. It's accomplishable.