So I finished my first 100 miles.
My shoes are a little bit upset about it, because each mile that goes by is one less mile that these shoes are going to be around. Well, actually, I think that I'm a little bit sadder about that than the shoes are, but that's just me. It'll just be weird to have to get different shoes, because I love these ones. They're my first actual pair of running shoes that I got just for running.
So I had a bad morning- my grad school applications are due on the first and today was NOT going to be a bunch of rushing around, because I was going to get everything done yesterday. Yeah, that didn't work out. I did a ton of rushing around, had a fight with my roommate's printer, and got a parking ticket when I went on campus for five minutes to get my transcripts sent. Parking Services must have just been sitting there waiting for me. How ridiculous. Then I came home and somehow my entire glass of water got knocked onto the ground, so I stepped right into a puddle on the CARPET... and it was just frustrating. Blargh. (I may or may not be subconsciously blaming my roommate's cat for my water being on the floor.)
So I almost didn't go running. Actually, I didn't even want to. Time was running short and I was getting frustrated. I have a race tomorrow morning in Indy and I'm going to have to get to bed early in order to get up early enough to make it. (Actually.... maybe I'll take a nap after work and then stay up until midnight, then go back to sleep. That's an idea.) I knew that I would not go running after work and I really did not want to put it off until later, because then I just wouldn't do it... which is what happened yesterday. So I went.
My mind feels a lot more clear now. I'm much less frustrated, though I still know that there are too many things going on in my life right now. I guess that I released a good amount of endorphins today. I feel a lot better about things. Part of it is probably the fact that I know that I got (mostly) everything done and turned in today and now it's all just a waiting game... or will be as soon as I win the fight against my roommate's printer and put one more thing in the mail. Then, tomorrow is a new year, which means all sorts of new things for me.
So my first 100 miles. Technically, I should have surpassed my first 100 several weeks ago, but being a little behind isn't really THAT bad, I guess. Before I know it, I'll be up to 200 miles... But, we'll just stick with the first 100 for now. They were tough... It has been difficult to stay on top of it and really work at getting my miles under control. My timing has been off and I got really behind very quickly. However, I'm going to do much better. I'be done better this week and I'm not going to just give up, though it would be so easy to quit the project already and spend more time laying around. I'm really looking forward to running in some great road races this year. Then, in a little over a year, is the big full marathon that I'm going to complete. That's the goal.
I'm going to have to be honest with you and tell you that my camera batteries are still in the charger. They're definitely fully charged, but I haven't taken the pictures yet. I'm going to try to do it tonight and maybe make a post tomorrow or the next day that includes the photos. :)
Goal: 1000 miles/365 days
So far: 100.07 miles/53 days
To go: 899.93 miles/312 days
IT sucks that it's hard to run outside when there is a bunch of snow and ice all the time. And that there is only one treadmill now. But those should not be good excuses I suppose. Now you have your special shoe thingys. yay!