So my last post was complainy, because I was beyond frustrated with my finishing time in the half marathon. I'm feeling a little bit better about it. Sometimes, you just have to pick yourself up off of the ground and keep going.. which is so true for running. Anyways, I was looking at my race finishing times today (in avoidance of finals studying...) and decided that I've come a really long way.
At this time two years ago, I was at my heaviest weight. Ever. That was 20 pounds ago. I still have more weight that I want to use and I still have a long way to go with my running in order to be at my best, but I've done a lot in the past two years that I'm impressed with.
So I want to share my times:
Fort 4 Fitness half marathon [sept 2009]: 3:15:52
Indianapolis Monumental half marathon [nov 2009]: 2:55:49.6
3 Rivers Festival Runners on Parade 5k [july 2010]: 38:37.0
Jacksonville Outback Distance Classic half marathon [nov 2010]: 3:04:00
I have my most difficult running challenge coming up in January: Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge at Disney World. 39.3 miles in two days. It will be my first full marathon and my first absolutely insane decision regarding running. I'm nervous, excited, scared, happy...
Anyways... I need to train. I know that I can run the distance, but I don't want to be completely frustrated with myself. So yeah.
It's humbling to share my finishing times, that's for sure. I love races... I'm definitely not the fastest girl or the most in shape girl out there, but I am strong willed. I can finish what I put my mind to.
"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it."
-Oprah Winfrey
Ok back to studying.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
I'm at a fork in the road.
Yesterday, I ran a mini-marathon. It was my little turkey trot, a Thanksgiving celebration that I decided to participate in, as my typical traditions would not go as usual. Moving 1000 miles away will change things like that.
Anyways, in a combination of work, school, and general laziness, I have been extremely slack in my running. Actually, I've been beyond slacking in my running. I've had hundreds of excuses. Maybe some of the excuses have been logical. Excuses, however... are just that. Excuses. There's no reason for me to be lacking as much as I have in my running. There's no reason that, if I feel uncomfortable running after dark, that I don't go somewhere with plenty of street lamps or even to a gym. As a student, I have free access to a gym. I have not gone once since I moved.
My race performance yesterday was terrible. I struggled almost the entire way and was more than disappointed in my time. My finishing time was decent for an average, beginning runner, but I'm not a beginning runner anymore. My pace has to improve and the only way to do that is to get out there and work at it.
Somehow, I need to align my expectations with my goals and accomplish them. My work ethic just has not been where it needs to be and I've got to figure out a way to align everything, I guess.
Anyways, official finishing time: 3:04.00.
I ran with Kath. I felt like I was holding her back for a while, which was because I was becoming so so frustrated with myself throughout the race, as I just COULD NOT keep my pace.
I'm just at a stopping place right now. I'm at a fork in the road. I have to make a change. Sometimes, I feel like making a change is more difficult than going down the same, lazy, pathetic path. It just isn't easy right now. I'm going to have to figure something out soon.
Anyways, in a combination of work, school, and general laziness, I have been extremely slack in my running. Actually, I've been beyond slacking in my running. I've had hundreds of excuses. Maybe some of the excuses have been logical. Excuses, however... are just that. Excuses. There's no reason for me to be lacking as much as I have in my running. There's no reason that, if I feel uncomfortable running after dark, that I don't go somewhere with plenty of street lamps or even to a gym. As a student, I have free access to a gym. I have not gone once since I moved.
My race performance yesterday was terrible. I struggled almost the entire way and was more than disappointed in my time. My finishing time was decent for an average, beginning runner, but I'm not a beginning runner anymore. My pace has to improve and the only way to do that is to get out there and work at it.
Somehow, I need to align my expectations with my goals and accomplish them. My work ethic just has not been where it needs to be and I've got to figure out a way to align everything, I guess.
Anyways, official finishing time: 3:04.00.
I ran with Kath. I felt like I was holding her back for a while, which was because I was becoming so so frustrated with myself throughout the race, as I just COULD NOT keep my pace.
I'm just at a stopping place right now. I'm at a fork in the road. I have to make a change. Sometimes, I feel like making a change is more difficult than going down the same, lazy, pathetic path. It just isn't easy right now. I'm going to have to figure something out soon.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
National Epilepsy Awareness Month: Get Seizure Smart

The first time I heard about epilepsy was a few months before that. My dad, brother, and I were playing a video game in the living room. I remember my dad getting up and leaving without saying anything, which was unusual. When he'd go to the bathroom or go out for a smoke, he would tell us, especially if we were playing together. For some reason, I didn't follow him. I heard weird noises coming from the back of the house, noises I hadn't heard before. It scared me, but I felt like I should continue playing with my brother. I felt protective of him and didn't want him to be fearful, too. I'm not sure how much time passed before he came back, but he did. We played more games together and, eventually, went to bed.
My dad knew that I couldn't sleep. I must have been an overly sensitive child, because after my brother had been asleep for hours, my dad came in to talk to me. He explained that he was sick. He told me about the medication he had to take to help his brain work correctly. He explained seizures to me, epilepsy... I felt relieved that he was on his medication, that it helped him, and that he didn't have seizures very often. I felt like I was prepared to handle it if he was to have a seizure in front of me. In retrospect, his explanation could not have prepared me to watch him have a seizure, but I felt like I was ready. To a point, my fears were calmed.
After he died, I went back to that conversation time and time again. For years, I wondered if I had reminded him of his medication or if I had been there, maybe he would not have died. For more than ten years, I blamed myself for his death (there are hundreds of reasons for that, but I'm not going to list them here). As I got older, I knew that it was not my fault that he had the seizure, that it was horrible, or that he hit his head and had bleeding in his brain. I still blamed myself, not the epilepsy.
In the fall of 2008, I was overwhelmed constantly. I was supposed to be in my last year of college, but I had just changed my major. I had two jobs and was sometimes working 55 hours a week.. I'd be at work until 2 in the morning and then had to work again at 8 the next morning, followed by classes, then going back to work. It was a really difficult time in my life. By November, I started having strange deja vu episodes. I didn't have a name for them, but I knew they weren't normal.
Each time, my episodes were the same. I would have a moment of deja vu, followed by a hallucination like experience. These episodes occured regularly, several times a day, sometimes in class, sometimes at work, sometimes in the shower, sometimes doing homework, sometimes just sitting around. I tried to hide them, but I know that my roommates noticed.
A Monday in February 2009, I was at work chopping lettuce. I was joking with my friends about something and being teased, nothing unusual. I had the same deja vu experience that I typically had, but my vision began to get blurry. I remember that I was with it enough for a moment to think about my vision getting blurry. The next thing I remember is waking up. I was laying on the floor and a group of people were standing around me in a circle. Someone said something about a seizure, someone else said I probably hadn't eaten breakfast.. everybody had a theory about why I "passed out." Naturally, I got defensive and argued with my coworkers AND supervisors about it. Ha.
After going to the campus health center and the emergency room, I was diagnosed with..... syncope. So, I passed out. Epilepsy, however, stuck in my mind. I had an EEG, a CAT scan, wore a heart monitor for a few days, among other tests. I was in my hometown every weekend seeing doctors. All of my tests came back normal.
However, I read a LOT about epilepsy after that. I felt like it fit, even though all of my tests were normal. I was the only one who was experiencing what I was experiencing. I was the only one who knew every detail and every single thing that I felt.
At the end of June, I had another seizure. This time, it was in my sleep. The frightening noises woke up my roommate and she watched it happen. She also wrote down, in detail, what she saw, so that I could tell the doctors that I would be seeing what happened. I went back to the emergency room- this time at a hospital in my hometown instead of the one near my campus. More tests... and a diagnosis. I have partial complex temporal lobe seizures.
That diagnosis broke me for a long time. Internally, I knew that I had epilepsy since I started researching it. It just hurt to have it. It made me feel further away from everybody that I knew. I was angry that my dad was not there to talk about it- I felt like he was the only person who might understand what I was experiencing. I was frustrated with my loss of independence- I couldn't drive anymore, I was worried to do much on my own, I had to start taking medication that made my brain feel strange for a while... It made me feel alone, frustrated, angry, and upset. I continued to read about it... almost every day. I started to joke about seizures with some of my coworkers, I started to talk about my experiences with people that I knew. That started to help me accept what I was going through. I slowly became less angry.
I am bothered, though. The general public just does not know about epilepsy. People have a ton of misconceptions about seizures. Some people don't understand what a seizure is. It is National Epilepsy Awareness month, yet many people just don't know the facts.
In honor of my father, I want to help educate people. I think that sharing my experiences can help overall awareness and help people understand seizures.
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